Haunted Summitview

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Common Questions about Haunted Summitview

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17. Is your display viewable during the day or just at night?

Haunted Summitview front porch


Haunted Summitview graveyard at night


The display is viewable during the day or night during the last week in October.
Nighttime viewing is recommended.  There is no sound or animation during the day.
Visitors often come back during the day to see the display while
the zombies are resting.

18. Do you add more to the display each year?  Are you putting up the display next year?

Haunted Summitview 2000

 HALLOWEEN 2000 (shown above)
Haunted Summitview 2004
HALLOWEEN 2004 (shown above)
Our goal is not to add more each year, but to maintain the enthusiasm to
put up the display annually.  Our display is a family tradition for us and our visitors and not
 meant to be just a fresh show each year.  Rain and wind damage our props each Halloween so
just maintaining and keeping the animation operating properly takes most of our time.
We've added more over the years, but have reached a near maximum level of 
yard space, maintenance time and repair costs.  We do attempt to change
 a few things and rearrange some of the props each year to keep the haunt alive!
Every year may be our last year.  Your visitation and support  keeps the 
  spookiness in us and our zombies.  Check our website for updates.

19. Who helps maintain and repair the display's props?

Haunted Summitview maintenance

A repair team consisting of Kevin Gierlach, Chris "Kliemer" Kliem (fixing Ida Needa Hand),
Stephanie Gierlach and Joe Alberico repair and maintain the display.
Prop motors are the most common item repaired.

20. How do the neighbors on Haunted Summitview Drive feel about the display?

Haunted Summitview fans
Haunted Summitview crew & fans
Neighbors Joe Alberico and Mary Sheen assist us each year as well as former neighbor
Biagio Coiro.  We attempt to keep the moans and screams down to a minimum and the
majority of our neighbors are understanding and cooperative.  We thank them all!
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